POST Certified – Control No: 9590-31445 [ register now] [ course calendar ]
Students will be introduced to a method of "science/evidence" based policing. They will demonstrate the risks relying solely on human factors by evaluating three police interrogation case studies and through a series of six short exercises. Students will research assigned case studies and present their knowledge and comprehension as it relates to Miranda.
Students will recognize their responsibility for the safety of juveniles, with the latest research including the CA new laws and Government Code 625.7, effective July 1, 2024 (for ALL CA agencies). Students will demonstrate their knowledge in applying these learning modules in the form of non-accusatorial interrogations with the instructor.
This course is open to ALL sworn and civilian investigators, Parole and Probation agents, Arson Investigators, Polygraphers, Background Investigators, Internal Affairs Investigators and Patrol Officers. If you are conducting interviews in - person, or over the phone, this class is for you.This course is a continous currriculum for career education.
Tuition cost: $575.00 (5-Day Course; POST Plan IV)
Tuition: $575.00 40 hour class
8 hour Class POST Plan IV Certified - Control No: 9590-31434 [ register now ] [ course calendar ]
Tuition: $138.00
This course is for first responders responsible for the initial investigation of criminal cases. It teaches the methodology of securing a proper statement from victims, witnesses and suspects that will assist investigators and prosecutors in successful follow-up and prosecution.
This course also incorporates concepts of information retrieval in a legal, professional, and ethical manner. This class is open to both Sworn and Civilian Investigators.
Tuition: $125.00 [ register now ] [ course calendar ]
This course is for every law enforcement officer or investigator who wishes to increase their expertise or get up to date in the area of Outlaw Motorcycle Gangs. This class is designed to enhance the officers’ knowledge and safety when coming in contact and investigating members of Outlaw Motorcycle Gangs. This is an 8 - hour course. You must present your Law Enforcement Credentials to attend this class.
CA POST Control No: 9590-21652
CA STC No: 10052-0274090
Tuition: $150.00 [ register now ] [ course calendar ]
The purpose of this course is to establish a strong framework that will enable students to document any use of force properly and thoroughly while in the execution of their duties. The lessons learned in this course will provide students with the ability to continuously hone their skills in the art of report writing, specifically the use of force. This class is designed for line staff and Command Staff at all levels.
Course Objectives:
Students will:
Today’s environment requires law enforcement to increase their skills in every aspect to better protect themselves, their organization, and the public’s trust. Complete and proper documentation is the cornerstone of all law enforcement organizations, so it is imperative that all Use of Force documentation provides the details needed to recreate the event and protect all stakeholders involved.
It is recommended students bring their organization’s use of force policy, a laptop, or a tablet to write reports during the exercises.
TUITION is $150.00
"Best A.O.T class I have ever taken regarding Interview & Interrogation. Everything is explained and demonstrated giving me the confidence to go back and apply what I have learned right away. "
-- T. Kouroubacalis - Corona Police Dept.
"Absolutely, one of the best and most valuable courses I have taken in my 25 year career!"
-- L. Turvey - Los Angeles Police Dept.
"Excellent, I wish I would have taken this earlier in my career. Well designed and put together in a logical way building on each previous point. Overall outstanding class."
-- N. Crawford - Riverside Police Dept.
" Excellent. Extremely informative, I am glad I was able to take this class early in my career. This is the most beneficial Post Certified/Approved course I have taken."
-- S. Wulfing - La Mesa Police Dept.
"It is rare that I go to training and feel as though I am leaving with something new that I can put directly to use. Excellent application to the real world."
-- W. Pratt - Riverside Police Dept.
"This course really helps put a system to your line of questioning. The Behavior Analysis taps into the gut feeling most investigators have, but show them the cues conveyed long before the interrogation. This will benefit any investigator new or experienced."
-- G. Escobedo - Riverside Police Dept.
"Excellent blend of media/lecture/practical application. I looked forward to each day. The course was well organized and prepared. Tremendously useful and helpful."
-- E. Black - Sutter County Sheriff's Dept.
"This course should be a core training requirement for all investigators."
-- J. Mumford - Amtrak Police Dept.
"I knew immediately this information was going to change how I did my job. As "the new guy" in the Investigations Unit, I was feeling the pressure of trying to make a good impression right away. Nothing could have helped me more or provided me with better investigative tools than BATI's system. BATI's techniques are easily understood, effortlessly applied and absolutely water-tight. Once I saw BATI's techniques in action, I felt confident I would not only make the impression I hoped for but would begin to make substantial headway through our heavy caseload. I use the course materials as a ready reference. BATI's techniques have become an integral part of my interview and interrogation strategy."
-- S. Tibbetts - Atascadero State Hospital Police
"I have found the practical nature of the Investigative Interview & Interrogation course most helpful in my day to day work "on the street", and in developing better cases in the over all scheme of things. I am pleased that the skills I learned played a role in my being assigned to the county wide drug task force and to closing down a good number of controlled substance related criminal enterprises."
-- Special Agent D.M. - Humboldt County Drug Task Force - Yurok Tribe Police Department
"This class was outstanding! It exceeded my expectations. In fact, I am going to recommend to my department that this class should be implemented in our FTO program and required for all new investigators……I appreciate the fact that the instructors provide a more "practical "approach, rather than a "theoretical" approach" -- J. G. - DMV Investigations
"This course was extremely informational and educational. It should be offered in a basic format in the police academy. Good rotation of instructors. Instructors are well educated, experienced and offer excellent insights. Media equipment is advanced and used with ease throughout the course. Jokes and skits were related, funny and a perfect way to enter and re-center the training sessions. The outline is developed well, thorough and complete."-- S.H. - SFPD
"In 26 years of law enforcement experience, this has been one of the top three that I have attended. I received information that I plan on putting to use Monday afternoon with a stack of cases that are sitting stagnan on my desk. I can think of numerous cases over the last year that I would have used this information that would have had a different outcome." -- D. Akerland - Stockton Police Department
"The BATI interrogation course takes theroy out of the textbook and into real life with a variety of taped interviews that teach more than any book could. Repetition and play-acting by the instructors will help me remember techniques I can us in my own work, plus the science behind them."-- A. Hampton - San Francisco City Attorney's Office
"A very thorough and detailed course for every investigator. Logically presented and supported by excellent examples. This course takes anyone, novice or experienced, through the step-by-step process. I know I will close cases using what I learned here. I am changing my approach for the better. Well worth my time and effort. Thank you." -- J. Keegan - Menlo Park Police Department
"This course (ACI/FSA) was as informative and interesting as your Basic I&I course I took in 2002. This course was challenging in that it required the participation of the entire class. The instructors exhibited a genuine interest in teaching the subject matter. Each instructor demonstrated a through and in-depth knowledge of the subject matter." -- S. Banks - Modesto Police Department
"This was the most beneficial, informative class I have ever taken in my 25 years of law enforcement. The techniques leanred will be useful personally & professionally for the rest of my life & career. I feel almost "upset" that I was not able to take this class much earlier in my career." -- P. Miyazaki - Los Angeles District Attorney's Office
"This is a class I have tried to come to for several years. Although I have over 15 years of interviewing witnesses and victims, and interrogating suspects, I realize how many clues I have missed. I feel much more prepared to interview/interrogate armed with what I learned in this class."?-- S. Dickerson - Buena Park Police Department
" I found everything about the course excellent. This course makes me want to re-do my last dozen or so interviews because I can see in my minds-eye the mistakes I made and the clues the suspects gave me. I used to feel apprehensive about the interview process, and I now feel eager to do it." -- B. Felion - Yuba County Sheriff's Office
"This is the best interview/interrogation class I've attended in my 19 years in law enforcement. The instructors were well prepared, knowledgeable and kept the course interesting. Im glad I attended."?-- Investigator J. Alvarez - Central Homicide - Riverside Sheriff's Department
"An extremely valuable course/body of knowledge that will assist me in my significant investigations. The information provided will allow me to focus on viable suspects more quickly and at long distance." -- Manager E. Plambeck - American Express Security
"The best class I have ever attended. Received important information that would mean the difference in solving a case" -- Special Agent P. Elliott - Bureau of ATF
"Forensic Statement Analysis is more than just a theory; it is a practical technique that you can start using immediately." -- J. F. Shields - Attorney at Law
"Great school - one of the best I have been to. I wish I would of had it twenty-five years ago." -- P. Sowers - San Diego DA Inv.
"This course without a doubt gives us the tools to do our job. It's as important as our bullet resistant vests and should have been give years ago." -- J.J. Buttitta - San Diego DA Inv.
This course "provided tools which are vital to every investigator." -- E. Sergott - San Diego DA Inv.
"This course was excellent. This is one of the most useful investigative tactics I have ever learned. It can be used by both patrol officers and detectives." -- D. Menlhoff - San Diego Police Dept.
"The organization and presentation were excellent, the material was relevant and the instructors were excellent." -- Inv. W. Gurney - San Diego DA
"The class provided an excellent tool which can be applied to all aspects of police work." -- Inv. A. Rudolph - Coronado PD
"I have been an investigator for 32 years. This is the best information on interviews and interrogations I have received." -- Inv. R. Hubbard - San Diego City Schools PD
"I have learned more from this training than any other POST course I’ve attended." -- Deputy D. Brannan - San Diego SD
"This course was excellent. It was organized in a step by step process and was easy to understand. The course is up to date. This is the best POST class I've attended." -- Det. M. Yaptango - San Diego PD